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Eliem Fashion by Elizabeth Maria

purse clutch bag

How to wear a purse clutch bag


If you’ve clicked on this article, you’ve probably it’s bought your beloved purse clutch bag or pochette (or are planning to do it) and would like to know how you’re to wear it in the right way, right?

If the answer is yes, don’t worry, because today I’m going to explain in detail how to wear a purse clutch, so that you can show off your clutch bag as if you were a model on the catwalk.

But first, let me tell you what a pochette bag is and what you could put inside it.

What is a pochette or clutch bag?

Unlike other types of bags, the pochette is a special small handbag with a minimalist and space-saving design that is usually carried by hand.

The French term “pochette”, moreover, derives from the union between the word “poche”, which means pocket, and the diminutive suffix -ette, so its original meaning was “small pocket”, later changed by the transalpine literary imagination into “small bag”.

And again, it was the medial poet Marie de France who was the first to use the term pochette in France to refer to “une petite bourse” (a small bag), which is known in history as she was the first to write the French adaptation of Aesop’s flabes.

Having said that, before explaining how to wear a pochette let me give you some suggestions on what to place inside it.

What to put inside your purse clutch bag

Although the pochette or purse clutch is not as large as a leather bag, you can still fit all the things you need in your daily life, such as:

  • Smartphone;
  • Credit cards;
  • House and car keys;
  • Lipstick;
  • Perfume and mascara;
  • A small pepper spray (in case a thief tries to steal your pochette).

And now that you know what a clutch bag is and what you can place inside it, let’s see how to wear a purse clutch bag.

How to wear a clutch bag

As far as the bag is concerned, remember that it should be worn over the shoulder or on the shoulder if it has a sufficiently long strap, otherwise it can be held in the hand, by the handles, or on the forearm.

The pochette, instead, if it does not have handles or a shoulder strap, should be carried in the hand, but remember that it has to be the left one, because during an event or an important evening you might greet some of your acquaintances, so the right hand has to be absolutely free to shake their hand.

Click here to discover our Eliem Venice clutch bags, entirely made in 100% Made in Italy leather.

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