Carry a bag: the psychological meaning of carrying different types of bags
A woman’s bag is not just an accessory to show off when out with friends or at an important wind.
It is something more…much deeper.
In fact, the handbag is able to tell something about the person who is wearing it, such as her personality, ambitions, and aspirations.
It is not only used to carry one’s wallet, makeup, or keys, because carrying a bag can provoke different emotions in a person, such as a self-confidence, self-esteem, well-being, feelings of power, etc. Also, the bag can be a symbol of a person’s identity.
In addition, the bag can be an excellent option for all those women who do not accept their body’s shape. In fact, for overweight people, the purchase of trousers or clothes is something frustrating, while the choice of a bag doesn’t involve any sacrifice because it’s able to dress any type of body shape.
Psychological Meaning of bag: vocabulary psychoanalytic
As mentioned earlier, it’s possible to understand the person’s personality or mood just by observing the way they carry a bag.
Let’s see some examples:
- Small bag: people who carry small bags, usually, don’t like to be in the spotlight.
We’re talking about a very sensitive person and a bit insecure, and tent to hide their emotions;
- Large bag: typically, a person who wears a large bag wants to be in control of the situation and manage their own life. Also, loves, travel and look good;
- Special and flashy bag: we’re talking about a person who wants to make a fresh start, make a cut with the past and start a new life. But, at the same time, the bag could contain dissatisfaction and frustration;
- Bag with bows, pois, and childish patterns: a person who doesn’t accept the change and prefers to remain anchored to the past. May have difficulty saying no have, causing feelings of guilt;
- A bag like a briefcase: a person with strong aspiration, both in the professional and personal spheres;
- Hard bag: a person with a reserved character but, at the same time, available in case of needs. She doesn’t love to talk about her personal life, is very protective, and has great taste;
- Shoulder bag: a very friendly and sociable person, loves company and is very altruistic;
- Underarm bag: a person who is very attached to family and friends but also to material goods. Not very sociable and open to dialogue;
- Bag worn at the elbow or forearm: I would define this type of person as a “show off”, someone who likes to appear for what she wears and not for what she really is. However, she is very helpful to those who, in her opinion, deserve it.
What about you? What kind of person are you?